
Responsive Web Design Toolbar

Responsive Web Design Toolbar

Set tablet layout properties button

1. Set tablet layout properties button
Set the tablet layout properties of the selected element.

Reset tablet layout to auto button

2. Reset tablet layout to auto button
Set the tablet layout of the selected element to auto.

Set mobile layout properties button

3. Set mobile layout properties button
Set the mobile layout properties of the selected element.

Reset mobile layout to auto button

4. Reset mobile layout to auto button
Set the mobile layout properties of the selected element to auto.

Select all elements from the same mobile group button

5. Select all elements from the same mobile group button
Select all the elements that are in the same mobile group as the selected element.

Group elements for mobile layout button

6. Group elements for mobile layout button
Add the selected element to a mobile group. As elements are ordered on a page according to their position from the top and from the left. Related elements may not be ordered in the expected sequence. Add them to a mobile group will make them act like a single element when ordered on a page. Elements in a mobile group can further be arranged in single or multiple columns. The group has effect only in mobile layout.

Ungroup elements for mobile layout button

7. Ungroup elements for mobile layout button
Remove the selected elements from the mobile group. If no elements are selected, all mobile grouping on the page will be removed.