
Site Properties Dialog

Site Properties Dialog

Character set for page encoding

1. Character set for page encoding
Select the character set for encoding pages of this website.

Center page in browser

2. Center page in browser
Select this option to center the pages in the browser.

Default mobile breakpoint

3. Default mobile breakpoint
Set the default breakpoint used by mobile layout.

Generate Responsive Web Design website

4. Generate Responsive Web Design website
Select this option to generate Responsive Web Design website. For this option to work, select "Tools" > "Preferences" from the main menu. Select the item "Publish Website" from the list on the left. Deselect the option "Generate Responsive Web Design website". If this option is off, Responsive Web Design websites will not be generated for all websites. Then select this option. RWD website will be generated for this website when previewing and publishing.

Generate index files from all HTML pages for search engine

5. Generate index files from all HTML pages for search engine
Select this option to generate index files for all HTML pages when they are published.

OK button

6. OK button
Click OK to accept the settings.

Cancel button

7. Cancel button
Cancel the settings.