Show the dimensions of this flash movie. They are obtained from the swf file. If the size detected is over 750x750, the width and the height will be adjusted to fit in this size.
Select the Wmode for the flash movie. Use the WMODE parameter to allow layering of Flash content with DHTML layers. The WMODE parameter can be 'window', 'opaque', or 'transparent'. Using a WMODE value of 'opaque' or 'transparent' will prevent a Flash movie from playing in the topmost layer and allow you to adjust the layering of the movie within other layers of the HTML document.
This setting renders the entire movie visible, while retaining the original aspect ratio of the movie. Because of this, the movie will not be distorted, because the proportions are constrained. Borders may be present on the two sides of the movie if the browser window's dimensions do not match the stage size's ratio.
No Border
This setting scales the movie in order to fit within the specified area, to ensure that no borders will appear. The movie maintains it's original aspect ratio. No distortion will occur, but the sides of the movie may be cropped off.
Exact Fit
This setting ensures that the entire movie will be visible within the specified area. Because the movie is scaled to fit at a ratio that may not reflect the original file, distortion of the movie may occur.