
Customize PayPal Buy Now Button Checkout Page

Customize PayPal Buy Now Button Checkout Page

Allow your customer to change order quantities

1. Allow your customer to change order quantities
Select this option to allow your customer to change order quantities.

Prompt customer to include a note with their payments

2. Prompt customer to include a note with their payments
Select this option to prompt customers to include a note with their payments.

Title of the note

3. Title of the note
Set the title of the note or just use the default title shown here.

Require customer's shipping address

4. Require customer's shipping address
Select this option to prompt customer for an address and require one.

Take customer to a specific page (URL) after checkout cancellation

5. Take customer to a specific page (URL) after checkout cancellation
Select this option to enter a URL of a web page that should be opened if the checkout is cancelled. Please note that a full URL such as this "https://www.yourwebsite.com/cancel.html" must be used.

Take customer to a specific page (URL) after successful checkout

6. Take customer to a specific page (URL) after successful checkout
Select this option to enter a URL of a web page that should be opened if the checkout is successful. Please note that a full URL such as this "https://www.yourwebsite.com/success.html" must be used.

Payment Details

7. Payment Details

Customize Button

8. Customize Button

Advanced Variables

9. Advanced Variables